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Rail Trail Advisory Committee (RTAC)

In July of 2009, the Town Manager appointed a nine-member Rail Trail Advisory Committee (RTAC) with broad representation from the community.  The all-volunteer Committee meets monthly, usually on the third Thursday of the month at 6:00 p.m. at Endicott Park.  A member of the Board of Selectmen has been designated as a liaison to the Committee.

Committee Members:

Paul McNulty, Chairman

Joe Anthony

Scott Bornstein

Matthew Duggan
Mark Mead Jones

Charley Lincicum

Nancy McNulty

Larry Perreault

Tom Powers 

Board of Selectman Liaison: Dutrochet "Dee" Djoko


Town of Danvers Department of Planning and Human Services Support provided by:

Aaron Henry, Director, Land Use & Community Services

Chris Sanborn, Director of Natural Resources
Tyler Berry, Staff Liaison

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